Pancho Villanueva
ekphrasis -- Main Entry: ek·phra·sis Variant(s): also ec·phra·sis \ˈek-frə-səs\ Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural ek·phra·ses also ec·phra·ses \-ˌsēz\ Etymology: Greek ekphrasis, literally, description, from ekphrazein to recount, describe, from ex- out + phraze in to point out, explain
Inflected Form(s): plural ek·phra·ses also ec·phra·ses \-ˌsēz\ Etymology: Greek ekphrasis, literally, description, from ekphrazein to recount, describe, from ex- out + phraze in to point out, explain
Date: 1715
: a literary description of or commentary on a visual work of art
PICTURA POIESIS: A Night of Ekphrastic Poetry
19 November 2007
Mag:Net Café, Katipunan
7- 930pm
The special 16th edition of the bi-monthly Happy Mondays Poetry Nights, featuring eight poets reading poems inspired by the visual arts
1. Ida Anita Del Mundo – on “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt
2. Kristian Abe Dalao – on “Dreamcatcher” by Pancho Villanueva
3. Noelle Dela Cruz – on Friedrich’s “Wanderer Above the Sea of Mist”
4. Sid Gomez Hildawa – on Juan Luna’s “Tampuhan” and “Parisian Life”
5. Dr. Marjorie Evasco – on Picasso’s “Maternidad”
6. Dr. Benilda Santos – on Ang Kiukok’s “Crucifixion” series
7. Joel M. Toledo – on Monet’s “Haystacks, Snow Effects, Morning”
8. Marne L. Kilates – on photographs by Claro Cortes
Admission is Free. Open Mic follows the main program. See you!