Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Mondays XXXVIII + Launch of Mads Bajarias' Book of Poems

featured readers for the 38th installment of the bi-weekly Happy Mondays Poetry Nights and the launch of Mads bajarias' first book of poems titled Pepsi Tastes Funny When It's Christmas Eve & You're Alone Eating Canned Tuna @ mag:net cafe Katipunan tomorrow, October 20, are as follows:

1. Lourd De Veyra
2. Adam David
3. Angelo Suarez
4. Conchitina Cruz
5. Voltaire Veneracion
6. Jay Bautista

*those above are reading poems from Mads' book

7. Camille Banzon
8. Arkaye Kierulf
9. Mia Tijam
10. Allan Pastrana
11. Marie La Viña
12. Emong De Borja

the launch of Mads' book will run from 730 to 830pm, followed the other featured 6 readers above for the regular Happy Mondays readings, which will commence at 830pm.

*the following books will be raffled off to lucky readers, courtesy of

1. Only Revolutions by Mark Z. Danielewski (HB)
2. The Lady and the Unicorn by Tracy Chevalier (TPB)
3. The Natural by Bernard Malamud (TPB)

*for those interested in reading during the open mic at 930pm, we will have a sign up sheet left with Rogel, the bar tender of mag:net cafe. please feel free to sign up and read your work. :)

performers/bands playing 10pm onwards are as follows:

1. Boyet Vasquez
2. Johnoy Danao
3. Armando's XP
4. Broken Sauce
5. Biscochong Halimaw

FREE ADMISSION the whole evening. kitakits po tayo! :)