Thirsty Mayor Drinks Town's Entire Water Supply
May 4, 2007 | Issue 43•18
ARDMORE, OK—Saying he was "just really thirsty," Mayor Earl Moore apologized to his constituents Tuesday after drinking the entire 1.5-million-gallon water supply housed in the town's water tower.
"I apologize that my actions today have left all of you without water, and I will do everything in my power to make sure we have water tomorrow," a visibly bloated Moore told reporters. "I woke up in the middle of the night and my mouth was dry. I thought I just needed a sip of water, but I was obviously thirstier than that."
Extra-Slanty Italics Introduced For Extremely Important Words
May 3, 2007 | Issue 43•18
NEW HOPE, MN—In an attempt to address writers' ever-growing word-emphasis needs, Minnesota-based Pica Foundry has developed a new, extra-slanty italic font, design director Jordan Soderblum announced Monday.
"When writing important words, authors too often bypass regular italics in favor of all capital letters, which not only look awkward but also disrupt the flow of the text," said Soderblum, whose new italics design is slanted at a more acute 60-degree angle instead of the normal 75. "We believe that the additional 15 degrees of slant will allow authors to create a much more intense and immediate reading experience."

Peeling Onions
artwork by Lily Martin Spencer
[I Step Outside Myself]
I step outside
myself, out of my eyes,
hands, mouth, outside
of myself I
step, a bundle
of goodness and godliness
that must make good
this devilry
that has happened.
Ingeborg Bachmann
The Massachusetts Review
Spring 2006