featured readers for the 65th installment of the bi-weekly Happy Mondays Poetry Nights, November 23 @ mag:net cafe Katipunan are as follows:
Kristian Cordero
Tom Sykes
Waps San Diego
Ed Geronia, Jr.
Jacob W.D.
Sasha Martinez
The Batutes
Lawrence Bernabe
JC Casimiro
Keith Cortez
Pancho Alvarez
Khavn De la Cruz
Johanna Fernandez
Angelo Suarez
Mikael Co
Jimmy Abad
*plus other special guests and regular readers.
*readings start promptly at 8pm followed by the Open Mic sessions @ 930pm-10pm.
*for those interested in reading during the open mic, we will leave a sign-up sheet with the bar tender of mag:net cafe. please feel free to sign up and read your work. :)
10pm onwards, Happy Mondays Jam Sessions Night featuring:
Patience Dear Juggernaut
Bee Eyes
Biscochong Halimaw
FREE ADMISSION the whole evening. Kitakits po tayo. :)
*photo from www.abigailmill.co.uk