Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Does it Matter
Does it matter. The evening is spent.
A clutter that does not want any sort
of order. A rocking chair
and no wind, no one. Instead a creak
waits, suffers. Nobody.
And freely the arc
sits still upon this contact point.
We can agree on some kind
of settlement. Why bother
the rust. It has the color
of copper. Day restores
the swing. In
capacity a shelter. In strain
the line learns taut,
gains momentum, speeds up
into population. Begin with
a raindrop. Pursue it
with commotion. Share
teeming under exposure. For now
a teeter, dew on a leaf:
Light too-present to neglect
that slope. Stark like a cup,
a cling. How frail the stalk must feel
against all this breaking.